One of my missions will be to educate more people about the need for more stringent regulation on Skin Care Products. For example, did you know that….
* The average person uses 9 personal care products every day, exposing them to 126 chemicals every day.
* 89% of the 10,500 ingredients used in Personal Care products have not been evaluated for safety.
* 1/3 or more of all personal care products contain at least one possible human carcinogen.
If you need to be convinced about just how much your skin absorbs, think about nicotine, birth control, and pain patches….a one inch birth control patch can deliver enough hormones to keep a woman from ovulating…..imagine how many chemicals get “under your skin” every day from what you use in your bathroom every day.
I’ll be posting more about this, but for now, you can go here to learn more.